Thursday, June 22, 2006

More Record Sources

As well as the various sources of 'official' records there are some websites which contain useful pieces of information that have been used when researching the McCadden’s. These websites often contain online transcriptions of the original records.

The Cassidy Family Website
One of the neighbours of the McCadden’s in Aghlem and Leghoney has been the Cassidy’s. There are many ties between the families both geographically and also in marriage (Pat McCadden and Ellen Cassidy. There is an excellent site which has been put together by Chris Cassidy with help from many of his family. There is also a picture of some of the McCadden's when they were at school in Copany.

The Quinn Family Website

I only came accross this recently. Patty has been documenting the Quinns in Donegal. Quinn's are another of the families tied to the McCadden's both in place and in marriage (Denis McCadden and Rose Quinn). Patty's job is that much harder because there are so many Quinns, it can be nearly impossible to tie them all together.

Donegal Genealogy Resources
Lindel Buckley has been researching her Donegal ancestors for many years now. Along the way she has picked up much information and tips on Donegal research. She has put this knowledge to great use and her great site is one of the important staging points when researching Donegal genealogy. Lindel has also made copies of many civil/church records available on the site.

Donegal Strong Puzzle
David Strong is someone who has been researching the Strong family in Britain and Ireland. The family have many connections to Drumhome and David has put together some good information on not only the Strong family but also other aspects on Drumhome history such as the significance of the Hamilton family who were the primary landlord in the part of Donegal were the McCadden's come from.

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